Why Warming Up Before Exercise Is Absolutely Necessary

When you're pressed for time, or just eager to start your workout, it can be tempting to skip a warm-up. But warming up before you exercise, especially before engaging in strenuous activity, has very real physiological, and often psychological, benefits. Here's what to know to get the most out of your warm-up.

Benefits of a Proper Warm-Up

Warming up prepares your heart, lungs, and muscles for the more strenuous phase, i.e. the main focus of your workout.

By activating the heat-dissipation mechanisms in the body, your body can cool efficiently and help prevent overheating early on, which is especially important during a demanding aerobic activity, such as running or bicycling in a race.

Here are the specifics of what happens to your body during a warm-up:

  • Blood temperature rises: The temperature of blood increases as it travels through the muscles. As blood temperature goes up, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin weakens so oxygen is more readily available to working muscles, which may improve endurance.

  • Blood vessels dilate: This increases blood flow and puts less stress on the heart.

  • Hormonal changes occur: Your body increases its production of various hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine, which are responsible for regulating energy production. During a warm-up, this balance of hormones makes more carbohydrates and fatty acids available for energy production.

  • Muscle temperature increases: Warm muscles both contract more forcefully and relax more quickly, reducing the risk of overstretching a muscle and causing injury. Your overall body temperature also increases, which improves muscle elasticity; this can enhance speed and strength.

  • Range of motion increases: This allows your large joints (such as your shoulders and knees) to reach their maximum movement potential.

  • You mentally prepare: The warm-up is also a good time to mentally prepare for your workout or event by clearing the mind, increasing focus, and reviewing skills and strategy. Positive imagery can also relax you and build concentration for a competition.

Tips for Warming Up

Workouts vary in terms of intensity and length, according to the type of exercise you do. The American Heart Association recommends warming up for 5 to 10 minutes depending on the intensity of your exercise activity. Here are some general guidelines for getting a great warm-up that suits your needs.

Tailor Activities to Your Main Workout

If you're preparing for a brisk walk, then the warm-up could include slower-paced walking. For a more intense activity such as running, jogging would be appropriate. The point is to gradually increase the intensity from resting levels to the intensity of the next phase.

For exercises that don't include a lot of aerobic activity—Pilates or yoga—small movements, such as pelvic tilts, neck rolls, and cat-cow sequences will help the loosen the spine and other joints in preparation for the more demanding motions to follow. For a weightlifting workout, a brief 5-12 min, low intensity walk or stair climb and some range of motion exercises, such as shoulder rolls, hip openers and knee lifts, is appropriate.

Avoid Static Stretching

Static stretches are those in which you stay in one position. One example is sitting on the floor with your legs spread and leaning over one leg, holding onto your foot. Stretching a "cold" muscle in this way can increase the risk of injury from pulls and tears. Instead, do dynamic stretching, which involves continuously moving through a range of motion.

Some examples include making big arm circles in both directions, kicking your legs forward, or touching your toes, and then reaching for the sky. The key is to not hold any position. The best time to do static stretches is after exercise when your muscles are warm and pliable


Plenty of sport psychology research indicates that mental imagery—essentially visualizing how you'll succeed on the court or field—can dramatically improve performance. Even if you're not a competitive athlete, it can help to take a moment or two to get in "the zone," by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before you start your warm-up and then proceed to your workout and cool-down.

Keep in mind that finding the perfect warm-up is a very individual process that can only come with practice, experimentation, and experience. Try warming up in various ways, at various intensities, until you find what works best for you.