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Hey, I’m Sami

I’m the owner of Stronger Fitness. I started my professional journey in fitness nearly 17 years ago but only recently took the leap into owning and operating a small business in 2018 aboard Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC. Fitness is my passion and I love sharing that passion with my clients. Exercise and nutrition should never be a punishment. I strive to teach my clients how to find their own personal version of fitness, one that they enjoy and can stick to for years to come.


1:1 training hours logged


certifications achieved


programs designed


lifestyle changes made


Why hire a Personal Trainer


Have you ever thought about hiring a personal trainer but then you talked yourself out of it because of the cost? Instead you decide to DIY your way through your fitness journey. After all, there are plenty of free resources online to guide you in the right direction, so what’s the use in paying someone to tell you the exact same thing?

Yes, you could figure out this weight loss thing on your own. It’s 100 percent doable.

Here’s the thing about human nature though - when given the choice, we will always choose the path of least resistance.

There’s no judgement here, we all do it.

The truth is, fitness isn’t easy. When we want to improve our health, we have to change the very habits that have gotten us to this point of needing a fitness journey. That’s a hard thing to do - it’s uncomfortable, it’s frustrating and a whole slew of other difficult emotions. The reasons that most diets fail isn’t because people don’t know what to do. The problem is that while most of us understand what we need to do to reach our fitness goals, we lack the accountability to actually do it.

If you want to speed up the process and save yourself a lot of frustration and heartache then you ought to reconsider your stance on working with a qualified fitness professional. What most people fail to realize is that just because you’re not paying with money, doesn’t mean that you’re not paying with your time. And in brutal honesty, paying with your time is one of the most expensive currencies you can use.

While you can always regain money invested, you can never get back the time you spend using the trial-and-error method to achieve your fitness goals. Hiring a personal trainer eliminates the need for trial-and-error. It will save you the heartache of spending 8 weeks following a random workout plan only to find out that it wasn’t the right fit for you and your goals.

If you’re serious about using the most effective and efficient methods to get you to your goals, then it’s important to put your trust in a professional that can execute a results-based plan specifically developed with your unique needs in mind.

Working with a trainer allows you to become confident with how to perform exercises. And that confidence in knowing that you’re performing each exercise to the best of your ability - it can help make your fitness routine a habit that stays with you for the long haul.

There are plenty of reasons to hire a personal trainer to help you along your fitness journey. It’s important to recognize that the right personal trainer is well worth the investment. When you’re ready to gain control over your health and fitness, give us a call.

Stronger Fitness has been an excellent choice for me as I get back into shape. They will work with you on a plan that is great for you and your goals. Friendly staff - they make you feel like you’re part of the family.

booked your first session? Use our checklist to make sure you come prepared

Know your history

Health and exercise history are important for determining what type of exercise is safe for you and what barriers you may encounter. Make notes about any history of disease, medications, past injuries, and your activity level throughout the years. Our trainers will ask you these questions and you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire prior to your first session. Having your notes on hand will ensure you provide accurate information.

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Set your goals

Your trainer will help you fine-tune your goals, but go into your first session with some focus. Weight loss, muscle gain, and improved health are all possible with exercise, but knowing which is most important to you will help your trainer tailor your program for success.

Determine your training style

Be open to trying new activities, but also be honest about the types of exercise that you dislike. If you are more comfortable with machines than free weights, or you can’t stand the stair climber, let your trainer know. There are multiple exercise options and part of your trainer’s job is to help you find those exercises that will get you results, but that you also enjoy.

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hydrate and dress comfortably

Your first session will involve a fitness assessment (weight, circumference measurements, body composition testing, endurance, strength, and flexibility) so wear your workout gear. For more accurate test results, focus on hydration the day before. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic beverages. Avoid putting on any body lotions or oils prior to your session. We use calipers to test your body fat percentage, lotions and oils prevent a good grip and accurate reading.

Prepare Questions

Your trainer will ask you a lot of questions, but be sure to prepare some of your own. You are hiring us to help you reach your goals and we want to ensure your needs are being met. Ask about our education and certifications, what our training style is like, and some of our recent success stories with other clients. If you plan to meet with us on a regular basis be sure to ask what times and session types we have available.

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