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the bulletproof gut program IS an elmination-based system designed to Improve your digestive health to ensure you are the getting the best results from your training and nutrition efforts.

This online training is packed with a controlled eating plan that removes typical food intolerance, improving your overall well-being, vitality and energy levels.

our bulletproof gut program can help you


identify and remove typical food intolerances along with those that may be individual to you

begin to heal the GI system after years of disfunction

create a custom FODMAP meal plan plus tell you where to find these specialty items

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bulletproof gut

ensure you are the healthiest you’ve ever been

Some people will have intolerances/allergies/sensitivities to certain food groups, which can suppress hormones and disrupt the digestive system. This usually results in poor outcomes and despite people’s best efforts; progress can come to a complete halt.

As this area of nutrition becomes more popular and is researched, it’s important to understand the difficulties between the terminologies when discussing it:

1. Food allergy:  an immediate food reaction that will always provide an immune response within minutes.  The perfect example is a nut allergy, & this will always remain with the person.

2. Food sensitivity:  a delayed reaction to foods which can take up to some days before symptoms are felt.  Typical symptoms are diarrhea, bloating, skin conditions, constipation and tiredness.

3. Food intolerances:  defined as “an adverse physiological response to food(s)” and, unlike allergies or sensitivities,

there is no immunological mechanism of adverse food response. The perfect example is lactose intolerance, which essentially means you are lacking the enzyme lactose to aid digestion of lactose (milk/dairy).

It is important to find the foods causing these issues and remove them.  For some people a general clean up of the diet works just fine, for others a stricter approach is needed.

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 FOR those struggling with gut health

It is important to find the foods causing these issues and remove them.  For some people a general clean up of the diet works just fine, for others a stricter approach is needed.

Some people will have intolerances/allergies/sensitivities to certain food groups, which can suppress hormones and disrupt the digestive system. This usually results in poor outcomes and despite people’s best efforts; progress can come to a complete halt. Our elimination diet is a strict, controlled eating plan that removes typical food intolerances along with those that may be individual to that person.

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6-week elimination diet program

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2 gut health assessments

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meal plan, shopping and supplement guide

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bulletproof gut recipe pack


I created the Bulletproof Gut Program to be able to help clients with GI difficulties finally reach their fitness goals. Proper nutrition can make drastic improvements on their health and wellbeing.


Owner of Stronger Fitness, certified strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist.


I help our active duty military clients and their families build effective fitness programming and reach their goals no matter where the job takes them.

A good elimination diet is a strict, controlled eating plan that removes typical food intolerances along with those that may be individual to that person. In this 6-week program we will slowly re-integrate “troublesome” foods to determine where your food intolerances lay.


Get immediate access to your bulletproof gut program:

  • immediate access to the 6-week Bulletproof Gut Program

  • metabolic, caloric and macro calculators

  • the Gut Health Assessments

  • meal + symptom tracker

  • Bulletproof Gut Recipe Pack

  • shopping guide for specialty items

  • supplement guide

  • weekly meal planner

  • strategies to build lifelong healthy habits

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 Have Questions? We have answers!


When does it start and end?

You will have immediate access to the program upon enrollment.

How long do I have access?

You will have access to all the program materials FOR LIFE.

what FORMAT is the material in?

Course work is presented as a downloadable PDF.

what age GROUP is this training for?

This training is meant for individuals 18 years and older.

Can’t I just find this information on the internet?

Some of this information is available elsewhere on the internet! Here we compile it all for you in the order it’s helpful - insider’s tips, time-saving tricks to know about before you encounter a problem, and ways to work around any unique limitations.

The process + tips in the training have been compiled over years of professionally designing fitness programs—so they’ll save you a bit of time (and maybe headache!) running into problems and searching for solutions to them.

How long does it take to complete?

It is recommended that you follow the Bulletproof Gut Program for 7-28 weeks.

what is your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not accepted under any circumstances.

what fitness goal is this for?

Any and all! The strategies in this program have been successfully used to reach goals for weight loss, toning, cardiovascular health, strength, and more!

Do i need any special equipment ot technology?

To complete the training, you’ll need a computer and internet access.

who can i contact with additional questions?

Please email with any additional questions and we’ll be happy to help!
