We’re Stronger Fitness, a fitness and nutrition company proudly serving Northern Michigan. Our staff of certified personal trainers, fitness nutrition and weight loss specialists teach people of all walks of life how to create lasting healthy lifestyles

Investing in your health and your future…
Stronger Fitness’ staff of certified personal trainers help our clients achieve fitness goals by bridging the gap between where our clients are and where they want to be. Teaching our clients to re-evaluate how they view health and wellness, we will help you create lifelong healthy habits, build a foundation of wellness and shape a brighter future.

“I lost 22” overall (just during the actual challenges)!!!! Like what?!? 22” over 20 weeks total. That is crazy and so exciting! And I will add... the scale didn’t move a whole bunch during either challenge but the inches did!”

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ready to invest in a better future?

For those looking to begin exploring their fitness options. Includes the benefits of program design PLUS:
✓ in-person sessions
✓ real-time adjustments
✓ short term commitment
✓ individual attention
✓ establish healthy habits
✓ reduce injury risk
✗ no contracts
Establishes a deeper partnership with your trainer and allows us to help you reach your long-term goals Includes the benefits of program design and single sessions PLUS:
✓ cost effective
✓ work through injury/physical challenge
✓ lifestyle changes
✓ nutritional guidance
✓ Stronger Fitness gear
✗ no contracts
Written fitness or nutrition programming to be completed on one’s own. Great for experienced, self-motivated clients.
✓ personally tailored workouts
✓ result-based design
✓ tracks progress
✓ eliminates plateaus
✗ in-person sessions
✗ real-time adjustments

Featured Posts
#MealPrep has over three million tagged pictures on Instagram. Seriously. Go look at it. There are also accounts dedicated to meal prepping, like @mealpreponfleek and @mealprepdaily, with hundreds of thousands of followers. The photos are captivating, inspiring, and . . . intimidating as hell!
People are OBSESSED with meal prep. And for good reason — there are countless benefits to planning and preparing your meals ahead of time, and it's a surefire way to help you eat healthier and lose weight. I myself have touted its ability to help save money and provide more nutritious food throughout the week. But while everyone is singing its praises, here's what they're not telling you: it's not that easy. This might get some people riled up (trigger warning), but I have to say it — meal prep kind of sucks, and we need to address it.
No matter how simple meal prep may look, there's a lot of legwork. In this blog we’ll go over what you need to be aware of ahead of time so you don't get so frustrated you give up forever and a few helpful tools that can speed up the process. Because in the end, it's absolutely worth it, but we need to talk about the parts that suck so we can come into it with a positive attitude and sustain this helpful, healthful practice each week. For those of you who have been struggling through these things, know you're not alone!
When it comes to fitting in a workout, most of us claim to do the best we can within our busy schedules. However, there is one big problem that fitness experts see with folks who don’t work out often enough. They’re lacking in the scheduling process.
This problem is often the result of “finding the time” to work out versus “making the time” to work out. “Finding the time” indicates that working out (or whatever you are wanting to do) is of the lowest priority.
Whereas, “making the time” tells you and others that you have scheduled time for yourself and aren’t going to do anything else in its place. Making time for your workout is just like scheduling a meeting with yourself. It lets you, your boss, your friends, and your trainer know that you have prioritized this part of your day.
In my 14 years of training, my most successful clients are the ones that schedule their workouts. This usually means before or after work. This is a period of time they have prioritized and made their own.