3 Keys to a Successful Fitness Journey

If you are reading this, you are headed in the right direction. No matter where your start point is, this article will help you on your fitness journey without boasting clichés or fad diets. Fitness can seem like a confusing world but we like to keep it simple at Stronger Fitness. We have a few tips that will not only help you stay on your fitness path but you may even start to enjoy it.

Progress is defined as forward or onward movement toward a destination.  The destination for most of us is growth. We want to grow stronger, faster or simply become healthier. Growth is a key component to success in your fitness journey and in life.

Find Your Why

There are 3 parts to a journey; the start, the effort and the destination. Your starting point is where you are at now. The most important questions to ask yourself is “Why am I here?” If you are on this fitness journey for any external reason most often, that reason is going to change or be insufficient in the long run. Sometimes “Life gets in the way” of goals that we want to accomplish. An important step to take at combating that phrase is having an internal answer to your Why.

When you have your purpose/ your why your behavior will change monumentally.

The example Why “I want to become healthier so I can live longer and have more time with my loved ones” will always beat the temporary reasons like “I am here because someone said I should” or “I want to look better for this person”. Temporary reasons will not be sufficient fuel for your journey.  Find your internal why. Make that permanent change in your life and hold onto it. Now that you have the mental and personal steps, it is time to take the physical one.

Fuel Your Body

Fitness is just as much of a nutritional evolution as a physical process. As the saying goes, "you can't out train a poor diet."

A person's relationship with food is intimate. They may eat out of emotion or stress. They may purge or binge. They may not eat at all. But until an individual understands why they eat what they do and why they do it, and learn to respect their bodies and fuel it to function properly, they will not be able to hit the health and fitness goals they desire.

Move Your Body

Exercise doesn't have to be extreme for it to "count." Even the smallest additional activities in your daily routine add up to progress and ultimately your results. One of the biggest keys to sticking to your fitness plan is to find a way to move your body that you enjoy. If you enjoy nature, try walking or hiking. If you enjoy dancing, try Zumba or a Salsa class with a friend or your significant other. If you enjoy seeing how powerful your body can be, try strength training. There a million and a half means to "work out," you just need to find the one(s) that speak to you. If you need some direction, please do hesitate to talk to one of our trainers!

Just Show Up

You have the keys to succeed, now put them together. Show up, take that first step out, it will lead to more steps. When things don’t go as planned reflect on all the progress you have made. Keep taking steps and moving forward in your fitness journey. Put in the effort in and when it gets tough, remember your Why. Your Why will fuel you through the toughest of times. As your mindset grows so will you. As you grow closer towards your goals make new ones. Keep taking steps and enjoy the journey!