Persistence is the ultimate key to success

Have you found yourself on the verge of giving up because you're working so hard with little reward and you feel like you're getting nowhere fast?

Well, the truth is that there is no such thing as an overnight success. It's a misleading urban myth, and if you don't have realistic expectations, you can quickly get into the wrong state of mind and give up too soon. 

In today’s digital age it’s easy for someone to appear like they’ve had overnight success. Misleading social posts, news stories, photoshopped images and more flow through your screen’s feed daily but what they don’t show is the struggle, the pain, the time and effort that it takes to get through the small triumphs and many, many failures that ultimately lead to successfully reaching your goals.

Success comes from working hard to make your dream come true: experimenting, learning, coping with failure and having the perseverance to go on when others give up.

Success is born out of persistently turning up day after day. If you are tired, take a break but don’t quit. Giving up is not the solution. Don’t be afraid of changing the path, if needed. The journey to success is seldom a straight line. However, if you are persistent, you can conquer everything.

Tip #1 - Take your time 

It might seem as though you're already going at snail's pace, but taking your time with a careful strategy could speed up the process.

Remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Patience is hard, but if you tackle each small step one at a time and a series of little victories follow, they will eventually come together. 

Tip #2: Focus on what's working

Avoid dwelling on the disappointments; they'll only hold you back. Learn and move on. Tune in to the good things: What's making a positive impact? What feels right to you? Where are you making significant progress?

Focusing on these will give you reasons to carry on and put a new spring in your step. Also, make sure your goals are SMART (Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-bound.) Be realistic and don't waste time on things that don't work.

Tip #3: Make the most of your time

Procrastination is the biggest stealer of time. Of course, we all need to wind down now and again, but avoid getting absorbed in social media for hours on end.

Spend that time more productively and try to maintain your focus (Follow One Course Until Successful)

Tip #4: Get fresh

Perhaps one of the reasons you don’t see the results you desire is because you're repeating the same old patterns. If you keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results.

Try taking a fresh look at things or modify existing processes. Get some feedback, so you know if they're working. Continually reviewing your progress and making adjustments when needed keeps the momentum going and prevents you from getting stuck in a rut.

Tip #5: Look after yourself

If you're serious about turning your dreams into reality, then persistence is vital. But be careful that you don't get so wrapped up in making your vision appear that you neglect the most crucial aspect – you!

Stress affects your health: physical, mental and emotional. And if you slow down, then everything around you slows down too. When you feel you're struggling, acknowledge it. Taking some time out will help you think and work more effectively.

Take baby steps to the success you desire

Despite what social media would have you believe, attaining your ideal life doesn't happen overnight. Yes, it will feel challenging, uncomfortable and unbelievably slow at times. But understand that every tiny step you take along the way is something to be acknowledged and experienced to make you stronger and bolder. 

  • Don't panic

  • Progress, not perfection, is your goal

  • Be a doer, not a dreamer

  • Ask for help


Believe in your goals, but most importantly believe in yourself!