Training With Purpose

I've seen it over and over again in the gym, people will walk in the door and either hop on the cardio machine for an extended period of time and maybe throw in some ab moves at the end or they will go up and down the rows of machines without a clear purpose.

Yes, I think it is magnificent that they made it to the gym and applaud them for taking the first step but failing to have a plan when entering the gym can result in burnout from lack of results. As a certified personal trainer, I do think it is a good idea to have a few sessions so that you can learn where everything is and build a working base of exercises. However, I do not think that every person needs a personal trainer. If you are training for something specific or you need that accountability to get to the gym, by all means, hire a trainer! Make sure you do your homework and find one that aligns with your vision.

This isn't just limited to the gym though, I receive messages from people all the time that say they do workout videos at home or grab a random workout off the internet. Again, this is great but if you really want to see results you do need a workout plan to follow. Ever since I started living this lifestyle I've followed a plan, even as a trainer! I always follow a structured plan that is designed to meet my current goal. I switch it up along the way as I see fit if I’ve become over trained due to classes and my own workout, but I always have a purpose to those workouts.

So, below are my reasons why you need to train with purpose, no matter what your fitness goals are.

5 Reasons Why You Need To Train With Purpose

1. Helps Prevent Under or Over Training

This is one of the most important reasons for having a workout plan. If you are just trying to piece together different workouts or wandering around the gym, you could be training the same body part too close together or not enough. You may also be working out too long and/or doing too much cardio for your goals, etc. There are so many factors that can go into under or overtraining.

2. Provides Structure

There's nothing worse than feeling like you are wasting time. Having a workout plan provides you with structure so that you aren't wondering what to do next or just reverting back to the ol' cardio equipment. Our workout plans tell you which exercise to do, how many reps, how many sets, etc. Everything is laid out for you.

3. Provides Goals

A workout plan with a set number of weeks (such as a 4, 6, or 12-week workout program like we have) provides you with an automatic goal - to complete the workout plan! You can even break it down further and look at it as a daily or weekly goal to complete all of the workouts.

4. Provides a Checklist

If you are a person that loves to be able to "check" something off, you will LOVE a structured workout plan! It's like giving yourself a pat on the back each day you complete your workout.

5. Prevents Burnout

As I mentioned before, not having a plan can and will lead to burnout. Sure, you might be tired of working out or might not be feeling the gym for a few days but if you keep moving forward you will see results. A well-structured workout plan will help prevent burnout because it should be changing every few weeks.

I can't speak for all the workout plans out there but I know that ours produce results and they’re structured so it takes the planning out of it for you. You are optimally training each body part in the most efficient way possible. If you’re more the DIY type, our newest course, FORM, is launching in a few short weeks. We teach you exactly how to create an effective workout program all your own, with simple step by step instructions. We don’t want you wasting your time, getting frustrated with a lack of results. We want each and every client to succeed in their fitness journey and we’re here to support you in whatever way you need.

P.S. Guess which workout plan works?!

>>> The one you complete!

You can't just do a workout plan for a few days or even for a few weeks and expect immediate results. You have to actually do the work to see the results - there is no magic pill!