Posts tagged workout
EMOM Workout

Choose challenging weights for each exercise. The goal is speed, not maximum strength. Perform the directed number of reps for each round of exercises, every minute on the minute. If you finsih before the timer, rest. Switch every 5 minutes to the next round.

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100's Workout

Choose challenging weights for each exercise. The goal is endurance, not maximum strength. Complete100 repetitions for each of the following movements. Feel free to break it down into smaller rounds so you can maintain good form!

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Modern life can make it challenging for parents to find the time to squeeze in a workout. When combined with a global pandemic that brings new sources of stress, added responsibilities and stay-at-home orders, exercise can feel like a Herculean task. While we can’t control things like a new and unpredictable virus, the weather or the moods of our kiddos in these trying times, there are simple ways to incorporate movement and activity into daily life.

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Stronger Fitnessworkout, fitness