HIIT Workout // 28 October 2020

Complete as many rounds of the following exercises as you can in 20 minutes. Remember to take breaks when needed, but get back at it once you’ve caught your breath. Let me know how you do in the comments!!

  • 20 Body Weight Squats (try to go for depth, but only go as far as is comfortable for you)

  • 5 Push Ups (you can modify to your knees or off the wall)

  • 10 Lunges

  • 15 Dumbbell Curls (if you don’t have any dumbbells, use water bottles or cans of the same size)

  • :20 Plank Hold (modify to your knees or off the side of the bed/couch if needed)

  • 30 Jumping Jacks (do step outs if the impact from the jump is too much for your knees)