Fitness Tips for Men in Their 30's

Your 30s are busy. You may have kids, a marriage, a career. How you maintain your health and well-being during your 30s will largely determine your health for the rest of your life. If you can keep a healthy weight, eat right, de-stress, exercise and more — you be looking at more than half a century of disease-free living. Get started today.

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Self Care Ideas If You Only Have 20 Minutes

If you work eight hours a day, chances are you feel like you never have enough time in the day to do everything you want to. Hell, I only work seven hours a day yet find my day disintegrating when I get out of work at 5:00. By the time I get home, eat dinner, and clean up, it’s usually 7:00 and I find myself struggling to get the energy to squeeze in my own workout, read, prep for tomorrow, or relax — all those healthy things I was originally planning to do. Naturally, this was making me a stressed mess because I had so much I wanted to do, yet no time to do it.

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12 Smarter Snacking Strategies for Weight Loss

Snacking is sometimes seen as a negative when trying to lose weight, especially if you’re munching on packaged foods, which are often highly processed and high in calories, fat and sugar. However, when done smartly, snacking can help you maintain a consistent level of energy, prevent cravings and add important nutrients to your overall diet. Try these 12 snacking strategies to help you reach your goals.

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Carrot Cake Muffins

Carrot Cake Muffins are truly delicious any time of year. Our carrot cake muffins recipe is made with whole-grain flour, grated carrots, warm spices, maple syrup and chopped walnuts.

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Stronger Fitness
EMOM Workout

Choose challenging weights for each exercise. The goal is speed, not maximum strength. Perform the directed number of reps for each round of exercises, switching at 5 minute intervals.

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Stronger Fitness
How To Practice Self Care Without Breaking The Bank

In the age of Instagram, “self-care” has become synonymous with indulgences like massages, facials, fancy products, boutique workout classes and lavish vacations.

That all sounds great if you have tons of disposable income. But for most of us, spending serious cash on self-care just isn’t realistic.

The whole concept of self-care has really strayed from the original intent, and become a meme unto itself. When I talk with my clients about self-care, rarely am I encouraging practices and habits that cost money.

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Stronger Fitnesswellness
Are All Processed Foods Bad For You?

Processed foods have a bad reputation. The term often brings to mind things like chemicals, additives, and strange cooking methods, saturated fat and excess sugar or sodium. For this reason, processed foods often are pointed to as playing a significant role in public health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

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How To Avoid Heat Related Illnesses

Exercising outdoors as the weather warms up makes you especially prone to heat exhaustion and other heat illness, such as heat stroke, heat cramps, and dehydration. Taking precautions and recognizing the symptoms or early warning signs of heat exhaustion is essential if you plan to exercise in hot, humid conditions.

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Stronger Fitnessfitness
What Is Gut Health + Why It Matters For Your Fitness Goals

It’s no secret that so much more goes into your workout performance than just your actual training. Everything from what you eat to how much sleep you get to when you train can impact your next sweat session. But it goes even deeper than that: What if I told you that gut health could impact your next PR? New research points to the microbiome as a key player in your body, especially when it comes to your fitness.

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Fitness Tips for Women in Their 40's

Getting fit is hard for everyone. But becoming fit after 40 can be a real struggle. When you consider fitness for women over 40, you need to take into account the unique hormonal changes, lifestyle adjustments, and exercise considerations that you're likely to deal with when you hit that special age.

Whether you are in your forties or just approaching your fourth decade, creating a healthy lifestyle is possible. But you need to plan ahead, exercise smarter, and…

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