Benefits of Indoor Cycling Class

Indoor cycling classes are as challenging as they are exhilarating. Benefits of a class include weight loss, improved strength, and endurance.

These benefits are enhanced when indoor cycling classes are combined with other cardio and resistance workouts, but you can easily use an indoor cycling class as your main workout.

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Stronger Fitnessfitness
My Top Amazon Fitness Finds

Honestly, what would we do without the convenience of Amazon? Last spring, like many of you I’m sure, I wanted to stock up my home gym in light of the pandemic and the lack of access to my normal gym. While I was reading the reviews of various brands of resistance bands (who knew there were so many?), I discovered that AmazonBasics carries affordable and highly rated fitness gear.

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Stronger Fitnessfitness
We Are What We Eat

The expression “you are what you eat” may be more accurate than you think. There are many factors that contribute to the clear, glowing, blemish-free skin everyone strives for. Some foods—depending on their vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content—can actually help promote healthy skin.

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Stronger Fitnessnutrition
36 Minute AMRAP Workout

Perform as many rounds of each exercises for the given amount of time. How many rounds can you finish?


10 BURPEE-20 KB Squat-10 BURPEE-10 Pike Push Up-10 BURPEE-10 V-Up


10 Round House Kick ea/leg-10 KB Triceps Overhead Extension-40 Jab-10 Squat Jumps-10 Knee Strikes ea/leg


100 High Knees-10 Triceps Push Ups-50 Star Jumps-10 BURPEES-10 KB Crunch

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Stronger Fitnessworkout
The Best Heathy Freezer Meals

On busy nights, freezer meals are the first thing I turn to in order to get a quick, healthy, and delicious dinner on the table. This might come as a surprise, as frozen food can get a bad rap as boring, mushy, or bland. While I’m not a fan of processed frozen dinners, I often freeze the soups, stews, and casseroles I make at home. Stored and reheated the right way, they’re just as flavorful as they were the day they were made. And when I have a freezer full of healthy homemade meals, there’s no reason to eat out or order in. The easiest, tastiest options are the ones I’ve already prepped and frozen!

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Lose Weight Safely

Pick up any diet book and it will claim to hold all the answers to successfully losing all the weight you want—and keeping it off. Some claim the key is to eat less and exercise more, others that low fat is the only way to go, while others prescribe cutting out carbs. So, what should you believe?

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Stronger Fitness
How Effective Are Fitness Challenges

There are so many reasons to start a fitness challenge but even more benefits. From forming new habits to reaching goals and having a support system, fitness challenges provide the motivation you’ll need to make 2021 your best year yet.

If you’re ready to kickstart your workouts, lose weight, get toned and feel fit and happy, our Fresh Start Fitness Challenge begins January 1st!! The challenge is available here at Camp Lejeune or 100% online!

Our 12-Week Fresh Start Challenge is perfect for beginners and includes:

  • Structured Fitness Programming (in-person or online)

  • Customized nutrition plan

  • Weekly fitness and nutrition challenges

  • Private online community page

  • Results

Register before 12/31 and save 15%! Use promo code: FirstStep at check out

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Stronger Fitness